Asigest Broker S.P.A. was founded in 1992 in Biella to meet the insurance needs of local businesses. Today, with over 80 professionals operating nationally, and staff present in six countries, we are able to assist the client in the management of risk and insurance needs, wherever the business is located..

To provide an even more efficient and accessible service, Asigest Broker is a member of UNISON BROKERS, a network of international brokers present in more than 100 countries with over 3500 qualified professionals at the client's service. In compliance with local regulations and laws in these various countries, Asigest Broker has implemented dedicated professional structures in order to support clients in internationalization – even in the emerging markets of North Africa.
Asigest Broker è associated with A.I.B.A. and operates in full compliance with the code of conduct..

Asigest Romania, a company founded in 1994, is one of the most important Romanian brokers. For more than 20 years, Asigest has been the leader in the insurance brokerage market which currently has more than 500 brokers.
In addition to the main office in Bucharest, we have 3 main branches (Bucharest, Timosoara and Cluj) as well as other representative offices in 22 cities throughout the country.
Asigest Serbia mainly focuses its portfolio on the non-life sectors, in particular on property products for corporate customers, civil liability (GTPL, PI) and insurance for freight transport (CMR, CARGO), operating along different business lines both at corporate level (transport companies, hotels, structures and commercial buildings, professionals) and at the personal level (comprehensive motor insurance, travel and home).
In 2008 Asigest Morocco acquired the local broker Basco, allowing it to expand beyond national borders, increasing its staff in order to offer an increasingly efficient service to its clients. Basco has extensive experience in the field of analysis, study and consultancy in the insurance industry and is able to respond to all the local and international needs of its clients.
Since 2013, Evrensel has been part of the Asigest group. Today, Evrensel is recognised as a global, multicultural and multilingual broker, sensitive to national and local issues and needs, while fully maintaining all international standards in terms of quality of insurance services provided with respect to client needs.
Asigest Broker CZ was born in 2021. It enters the world of insurance brokerage making use of the professional contribution of highly qualified international managers. It operates in various business lines and follows Italian companies in their relocation abroad, offering them adequate assistance by responding to their needs.



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